Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Poor student seeks music

So, Album number 4 is due yesterday. The review will come tonight.

However, I never bought an album last week. Financial impotency unfortunately destroyed my chances of buying albums. As a result I am going to be a bit more creative. Instead of reviewing an old album that I love (that will no doubt happen) I am, instead, going to bring you a review of a new album by a new band on a tiny label: Billy Ruffian, My Secret Life. And as I know the band, I have the album for nowt, hence quenching my thirst for music and not spending money.

In other music news...
The RIAA (the guys who control all the music rights and such in America) are (*rude derogitory word*) currently driving Internet radio in America into the ground. New laws passed mean Internet Radio stations have to pay royalties, which is going to force all but the largest out of business. All in the name of artists, right? Well no.

The biggest gripe I have at the moment is concerning unsigned bands. If my band wants to give out music to a radio station to play, free of charge, that's obviously fine, as we own the copywright on it. Right? Right? Wrong! Apparently, They still have to pay for the right to play my stuff, and then I have to pay to join the bit of the RIAA (SoundExchange) so that I can get paid the royalties which I am owed. I know I hate England at the best of times, but I hate America more.



Project WANNABE said...

That's messed up.

Project WANNABE said...

I mean about the RIAA. Everybody here (the states) who even knows who they are, hates them.

Project WANNABE said...

Maybe you need a Paypal thing, so your readers can chip in.

MommyHeadache said...

If you are a student I don't see how you can possibly afford to buy all these albums. Surely you can just burn them off a friend?

yeah! I have a paypal on my site and people send me tips they'll send you album money for sure.